Mailing Lijst Bericht #114465
From: Joan K. Lippincott <>
Sender: <>
Subject: Registration open for Re-think it: Libraries for a New Age
Date: Mon, 04 Dec 2017 10:45:41 -0500

I’m pleased that I’ll be speaking at this conference, which has a great program lined up; fee registration information is linked below.

—Joan Lippincott, CNI

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

Now that we are in the holiday season with Thanksgiving behind us and the New Year ahead, it’s time to begin thinking about resolutions. There is no better way to kick off 2018 than to come to Austin, TX for Re-think it: Libraries for a New Age!

Re-think it is a national conference that brings together academic, public and K-12 librarians, administrators, technologists, architects, designers, furniture manufacturers, and educators. Together, we will re-think the important roles libraries play in the communities they serve.

The conference takes place January 8-10, 2018 in Austin, Texas with optional programming on Sunday, January 7. Core conference events, including 
keynotes and breakout sessions, will be hosted at the AT&T Conference Center’s new Rowling Hall. Guests will have the opportunity for special tours of local libraries, including Austin Public Library’s innovative New Central Library.

The full program for the 2018 Re-think it conference is up and registration is open! 

Register here. 

Please share this announcement with your colleagues and networks. Make it your resolution to be here in the New Year for this interactive learning experience!

Warm regards,

Catherine Hamer                            
Director of Academic Engagement
University of Texas Libraries 
The University of Texas at Austin 


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