Mailing Lijst Bericht #114474
From: Diane Goldenberg-Hart <>
Sender: <>
Subject: Save the Date for Open Repositories 2019
Date: Wed, 13 Dec 2017 16:57:31 -0500

Dates and location for Open Repositories 2019 have been set - details below. CNI has been a supporter of the OR events for many years.


Save the Date for Open Repositories 2019

The Open Repositories Steering Committee in conjunction with Universität Hamburg is very pleased to announce that the 14th Open Repositories Conference will be held in Hamburg, Germany from 10-13 June 2019 at Universität Hamburg.

The annual Open Repositories Conference is a practitioner based conference that brings together people from higher education, government, libraries, archives and museums to focus on repository infrastructure, tools, services, and policies. The Conference provides a forum for delegates from around the world to explore the challenges and opportunities that arise at the interface of technology and scholarly publishing and practice.

More information will be available at Open Repositories 2018 to be held in Montana June 4-7.

Contact information OR2019:

For the Open Repositories Steering Committee:

Elin Stangeland
University of Oslo Library

For the local organizing committee:

Kai Wörner
Center for Sustainable Research Data Management
Universität Hamburg

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