Mailing Lijst Bericht #114479
From: Diane Goldenberg-Hart <>
Sender: <>
Subject: Video: Herbert Van de Sompel on the Decentralized Web Movement
Date: Tue, 02 Jan 2018 15:03:01 -0500
In this video of the closing plenary from CNI’s recent membership meeting, Herbert Van de Sompel of Los Alamos National Laboratory receives the Paul Evan Peters Award, and he explores the Decentralized Web movement in his presentation Scholarly Communication: Deconstruct & Decentralize?

In case you missed it, video of Clifford Lynch’s opening address, Resilience and Engagement in an Era of Uncertainty, was announced shortly before the holidays; you’ll find Cliff’s talk here:

Look for more announcements soon of other video offerings from the fall 2017 CNI meeting ( To see all videos produced by CNI, visit our video channels on YouTube ( and Vimeo (

Diane Goldenberg-Hart
Communications Coordinator
Coalition for Networked Information
21 Dupont Circle, Suite 800, Washington, DC 20036
202.296.5098 |
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