Mailing Lijst Bericht #114480
From: Joan K. Lippincott <>
Sender: <>
Subject: Library Publishing Forum and Preconference
Date: Wed, 03 Jan 2018 10:56:30 -0500

In addition to the annual Library Publishing Forum, this year the Library Publishing Coalition (LPC) group will host a preconference on open source publishing platforms. Please see details below in the call for proposals.

--Joan Lippincott, CNI

Call for Proposals: Library Publishing Forum

The Library Publishing Coalition is accepting proposals for the 2018 Library Publishing Forum, to be held May 22-23, 2018, in Minneapolis, Minnesota. The deadline is January 19, 2018.

We welcome proposals from Library Publishing Coalition members and nonmembers, including librarians, university press staff, publishing service providers (vendors), scholars, students, and other scholarly communications and publishing professionals. We especially encourage first-time presenters and representatives of small and emerging publishing programs to submit proposals.

View the call for proposals

Call for Showcase Participants

The Library Publishing Coalition seeks participants for a showcase session at the Library Publishing Forum’s preconference  on open source publishing platforms(May 21st, 2018, Minneapolis, MN). While the formal preconference program will focus on a selected set of publishing platforms (including Fulcrum, Janeway, Open Journal Systems, Manifold, PubSweet, and Vega), the showcase session will allow attendees to learn more about the broader ecosystem of open source publishing software. The deadline is January 19, 2018.

View the call for participants

About the Preconference and Forum

The preconference will take place on Monday, May 21st, followed by the Library Publishing Forum on May 22nd and 23rd, with both events taking place at the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities.  

The Library Publishing Forum is an annual conference bringing together representatives from libraries engaged in (or considering) publishing initiatives to define and address major questions and challenges; to identify and document collaborative opportunities; and to strengthen and promote this community of practice.

If you have questions about the 2018 Library Publishing Forum or preconference, please feel free to contact Matt Ruen, Program Committee chair, at

On behalf of the Library Publishing Coalition Program Committee:

  • Matt Ruen, Grand Valley State University (Chair)
  • Jeff Rubin, Tulane University
  • Rebecca Welzenbach, University of Michigan
  • Peter Potter, Virginia Tech
  • David Scherer, Carnegie Mellon University
  • Laureen Boutang, University of Minnesota
  • Jonathan Bull, Valparaiso University
  • Maureen Walsh, The Ohio State University


Melanie Schlosser
Scholarly Communications Program Leader
Educopia Institute

Working from Columbus, OH

Pronouns: she/her
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