Mailing Lijst Bericht #114563
From: Joan K. Lippincott <>
Sender: <>
Subject: An Ethical Framework for Library Publishing
Date: Tue, 24 Jul 2018 15:10:07 -0400
The Library Publishing Coalition has just produced an important resource; details below. CNI’s Clifford Lynch served as one of the peer reviewers for this publication.
—Joan Lippincott, CNI
***Apologies for cross-posting***


The Library Publishing Coalition is excited to announce the publication of An Ethical Framework for Library Publishing, Version 1.0. Inspired by discussions at the 2017 Library Publishing Forum, the Framework introduces library publishers to important ethical considerations in a variety of areas and provides concrete recommendations for ethical scholarly publishing. As the version number in the title suggests, this is meant to be an evolving document - to be updated and expanded over time. We would love to hear from the community about how this document is useful to you and how it could be improved - please email with feedback and suggestions! 


The Framework is now available in HTML and PDF, both of which can be accessed via LPC’s Resources page. Many thanks to Purdue University Libraries for their production support and for hosting the PDF version of the document! 


The Framework is released under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license, so it can be freely copied, distributed, and built upon. However, where possible, please link to the version of record rather than reposting, to help us track the document’s impact and to ensure that the latest version is easily discoverable. 


Ethical Framework for Library Publishing Task Force: 
  • Jason Boczar, University of South Florida
  • Nina Collins, Purdue University
  • Rebel Cummings-Sauls, Florida Academic Library Services Cooperative
  • Terri Fishel, Macalester College
  • Valerie Horton, Minitex
  • Harrison W. Inefuku, Iowa State University
  • Sarah Melton, Boston College Libraries
  • Joshua Neds-Fox, Wayne State University
  • Wendy C. Robertson, University of Iowa
  • Charlotte Roh, University of San Francisco
  • Jaclyn Sipovic, University of Michigan
  • Camille Thomas, Texas Tech University Libraries
  • Monica Westin, California Digital Library
Melanie Schlosser
Scholarly Communications Program Leader
Educopia Institute

Working from Columbus, OH

Pronouns: she/her

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