Mailing Lijst Bericht #114568
From: Joan K. Lippincott <>
Sender: <>
Subject: Collections as Data Cohort 1 - Call for Proposals
Date: Wed, 08 Aug 2018 16:03:30 -0400
Researchers in many disciplines are using digital or digitized collections of various types of content as evidence in their research. This Call for Proposals represents an opportunity to participate in the work of the growing community working in this arena.
—Joan Lippincott, CNI

Collections as Data Cohort 1 Call for Proposals

Collections as Data: Part to Whole is pleased to share the cohort 1 call for proposals.

Collections as Data: Part to Whole will fund and programmatically support two collections as data cohorts. Cohorts will be comprised of project teams jointly led by librarians and disciplinary scholars. This effort is made possible by The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.

We look forward to working with you and welcome any questions that you might have as you consider putting a proposal forward. Feel free to contact us individually or collectively using this form.

Thomas Padilla (University of Nevada Las Vegas)

Hannah Scates Kettler (University of Iowa)

Laurie Allen (University of Pennsylvania)

Stewart Varner (University of Pennsylvania)

Collections as Data: Part to Whole aims to foster the development of broadly viable models that support implementation and use of collections as data. This effort is made possible by The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation (see grant narrative).

Over a period of three years, Part to Whole will fund and programmatically support two collections as data cohorts. Cohorts will be comprised of project teams jointly led by librarians and disciplinary scholars. Project teams will develop models that support collections as data implementation and holistic reconceptualization of services and roles that support scholarly use. Collections as data produced by project activity will exhibit high research value, demonstrate the capacity to serve underrepresented communities, represent a diversity of content types, languages, and descriptive practices, and arise from a range of institutional contexts.

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