Mailing List Message #114628
From: Diane Goldenberg-Hart <>
Sender: <>
Subject: Videos: Library Futures in Research & Teaching/Learning
Date: Wed, 09 Jan 2019 11:56:07 -0500
Two new videos from CNI’s December membership meeting have been posted:

What Is the Future of Libraries in Academic Research? Tom Hickerson, John Brosz, Suzanne Goopy (University of Calgary)
Research at the University of Calgary has identified a constellation of services necessary to enable today’s multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary research. This presentation addresses the nature of evolving challenges and explores steps critical to the future of research libraries. 

Library as Platform: The Transformed Library’s Impact on Teaching and Learning, Jason Evans Groth, Greg Raschke (North Carolina State University)
This presentation explores several examples of experiential learning, creative uses of high-technology spaces, and the important combination of ingredients to maximize the experiential learning potential of new library spaces, re-positioning the library as a fundamental difference maker in the educational environment provided by colleges and universities.

Previously-released videos from this meeting:

-Closing plenary: The National Library of Medicine & the National Institutes of Health Partnership in Accelerating Discovery Through DataPatricia Flatley Brennan, Director, US National Library of Medicine

-Clifford Lynch’s opening address, Responsible Stewardship, Technology Realities, and Renewing Collaborations: CNI's Agenda for the Coming Year

Look for more announcements soon of other video offerings from the fall 2018 CNI meeting ( To see all videos produced by CNI, visit our video channels on YouTube ( and Vimeo (

Diane Goldenberg-Hart

Communications Coordinator
Coalition for Networked Information
21 Dupont Circle, Suite 800, Washington, DC 20036
202.296.5098 |

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