Mailing Lijst Bericht #114640
From: Diane Goldenberg-Hart <>
Sender: <>
Subject: Videos: CDL & Dryad, Moore-Sloan Data Science Environments
Date: Tue, 29 Jan 2019 11:09:00 -0500
New videos from CNI’s December membership meeting have been posted:

California Digital Library & Dryad: Community Owned Data Publishing, Daniella Lowenberg & John Chodacki (California Digital Library, University of California Office of the President)
Dryad and CDL are formally partnering to address researcher needs and lead an open, community-owned initiative in research data curation and publishing. This partnership is focused on driving adoption of research data publishing by meeting researchers where they are in their workflows.

Moore-Sloan Data Science Environments Project UpdateMicaela Parker (Moore-Sloan Data Science Environments)
UC Berkeley, NYU, and the University of Washington, working together and with the Moore and Sloan Foundations, have been attempting to create supportive environments for researchers using and developing data-intensive practices.

Previously-released videos from this meeting:

-Blockchain: What’s Not To Like? David S. H. Rosenthal, Stanford University (retired)

-Can I Trust this Data? Selecting Data for Reuse and Other Dilemmas of the Research Scientist, Grace Agnew (Rutgers University)

-Demonstrating Faculty Impact: New Data and Visualization Services, Barrie Hayes, Amanda Henley (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill)*
*Weather/travel issues precluded the speakers from attending CNI’s fall 2018 meeting; the presenters provided CNI with this recording and granted permission to release it publicly.

-The State of Digital Preservation: A Snapshot of Triumphs, Gaps, and Open Research Questions, Oya Y. Rieger, Roger C. Schonfeld (Ithaka S+R)
-Foundations for Research Computing: Collaborating to Provide Student Support at Scale, Barbara Rockenbach, Mark Newton, Halayn Hescock (Columbia University)

-From Talking to Action: Fostering Deep Collaboration Between University Libraries, Museums, and IT, Susan Gibbons, Louis King, Michael Appleby, Dale Hendrickson (Yale University)
-Public Access to Research Data: Report from the AAU APLU Public Access Working Group Workshop, Mary Lee Kennedy (ARL), Kacy Redd (APLU), Katie Steen (AAUW), Tyler Walters (Virginia Tech)

-What Is the Future of Libraries in Academic Research? Tom Hickerson, John Brosz, Suzanne Goopy (University of Calgary)

-Library as Platform: The Transformed Library’s Impact on Teaching and Learning, Jason Evans Groth, Greg Raschke (North Carolina State University)

-Closing plenary: The National Library of Medicine & the National Institutes of Health Partnership in Accelerating Discovery Through DataPatricia Flatley Brennan, Director, US National Library of Medicine

-Clifford Lynch’s opening address, Responsible Stewardship, Technology Realities, and Renewing Collaborations: CNI's Agenda for the Coming Year

Look for more announcements soon of other video offerings from the fall 2018 CNI meeting ( To see all videos produced by CNI, visit our video channels on YouTube ( and Vimeo (

Diane Goldenberg-Hart

Communications Coordinator
Coalition for Networked Information
21 Dupont Circle, Suite 800, Washington, DC 20036
202.296.5098 |
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