Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh is hosting a very interesting
conference on the role of Artificial Intelligence in Data Discovery and
Reuse; I had mentioned this before on CNI-announce but wanted to note
that the preliminary program is now available. Early bird registration
has passed, but I believe that regular registration remains open.
Clifford Lynch
Director, CNI
AIDR 2019: Artificial Intelligence for Data Discovery and Reuse
@ Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA
Keynotes and invited talks:
• Tom Mitchell, Carnegie Mellon University (Keynote)
• Glen de Vries, Medidata Solutions (Keynote)
• Sean Davis, National Cancer Institute
• Casey Greene, University of Pennsylvania
• Alex London, Carnegie Mellon University
• Bob Murphy, Carnegie Mellon University
• Fiona Nielson, Repositve.io
• Natasha Noy, Google AI - Dataset Search
• Lisa Parker, University of Pittsburgh
• Early bird registration deadline: March 22, 2019
• Conference: May 13-15, 2019
Supported by the NSF scientific data reuse initiative and
in-cooperation with ACM, AIDR 2019 aims to find innovative solutions to
accelerate the dissemination and reuse of scientific data in the data
revolution. The explosion in the volume of scientific data has made it
increasingly challenging to find data scattered across various
platforms. At the same time, increasing numbers of new data formats,
greater data complexity, lack of consistent data standards across
disciplines, metadata or links between data and publications makes it
even more challenging to evaluate data quality, reproduce results, and
reuse data for new discoveries.
We invite AI researchers, scientific data community, and data
management community from both academia and industry to join us at AIDR
2019 to share solutions and ideas that address these challenges using
the power of AI. At this meeting, you will have plenty of
opportunities to showcase your work, have thought-provoking
conversations, and form collaborations with peer participants. To
register and to learn about the program, visit the conference website:
We sincerely hope you will be able to join us at AIDR 2019, and have a
chance to interact with the world-class AI and data community at CMU
and from all over the country. Please do not hesitate to contact us at
aidr2019@andrew.cmu.edu for questions.