Mailing List Message #114683
From: Diane Goldenberg-Hart <>
Sender: <>
Subject: All Spring '19 Videos Now Available: Scholarly Orphans, OA Monograph Data, Digital Scholarship
Date: Mon, 03 Jun 2019 12:38:00 -0400
The last of the videos made at CNI’s April meeting have been added to our channels; with this announcement, all available videos from CNI’s Spring 2019 Membership Meeting are now available:

An Institutional Perspective to Rescue Scholarly Orphans
Martin Klein (Los Alamos National Laboratory) & Herbert Van de Sompel (Data Archiving and Networked Services)
Scholars increasingly are using various online portals outside of the traditional scholarly publishing system to conduct and to communicate about their research, yet no infrastructure exists to systematically and comprehensively archive the deposited artifacts. This talk discusses the desirability, feasibility, and architecture of institutional processes aimed at capturing these scholarly orphans.

Building a Trusted Framework for Coordinating OA Monograph Usage Data
Kevin S. Hawkins (University of North Texas)
Reports on a study of the landscape of open-access scholarly monograph usage data and an investigation of the viability of creating a data trust for sharing usage data among stakeholders in the publishing ecosystem.

Variations in Public Scholarship Works: Examining The Impact of Three Related Scholarly Digital Projects on Present and Future Resources
Wayne Morse Jr. (Emory University)
Public scholarship through digital humanities can be accomplished in various ways, and different approaches have significant implications for extended care, usability, and sustainability. This video illustrates these challenges through discussion of three related but different projects at Emory’s Center for Digital Scholarship.

Previously released from this meeting: 

*Purposeful Space Design for Libraries
Joan Lippincott (CNI), Kelly Miller (University of Miami), Thomas Hickerson (University of Calgary)

*Introducing ROR: The Research Organization Registry
Maria Gould (California Digital Library – University of California Office of the President)

*Design Thinking for Library Services: Library as Research Lab
Justin Schell, Meghan Sitar, Laurie Alexander (University of Michigan)

*A Research Agenda for Historical and Multilingual OCR
Ryan Cordell (Northeastern University)

*Collecting, Correlating, Stitching, Enriching: How Commercial Publishers are Creating Value by Profiling Users (David Lacy, 

*Alternative RDM Service Models for Smaller Research Libraries (Andrew White, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute)

*Research Innovation Trends and Priorities in Canadian Research Libraries (Merrilee Proffitt, OCLC Research; Vivian Lewis, McMaster University)

*Scaling Software Emulation Services: An Introduction to the EaaSI Program of Work (Seth Anderson, Yale University Library)
*Beyond Tools and Space: Building a Community of Practice for Making (Beth Marhanka & Don Undeen, Georgetown University)

*3D Scanning and Augmented Reality as a Method to Deliver and Promote Digital Collections in Libraries & Museums (Chad Hutchens & Tyler Kerr, University of Wyoming)

*Holistic Approaches to Research Data Management: Scholars as Collectors (Oya Y. Rieger & Danielle Cooper, Ithaka S+R)

*Of Data, Ethics, and Leadership: Building a National Roadmap for Web Privacy and Web Analytics (Scott W. H. Young, Sara Mannheimer, Jason Clark [Montana State University])

*Data Science Support for Social Science ResearchChristina Maimone (Northwestern University), Alex Storer (Stanford University)

*Towards Coherence through Collective Action: Laying the Foundation for Sustainable, Open Infrastructure (Maurice York, University of Michigan; Evviva Weinraub, Northwestern University; Heather Joseph, SPARC; Katherine Skinner, Educopia Institute)

*OCFL: A Community Developed Approach to Digital Preservation (Andrew Woods, DuraSpace; Rosalyn Metz, Emory University; Simeon Warner, Cornell University)

*Michael L. Nelson's closing plenary address, Web Archives at the Nexus of Good Fakes and Flawed Originals

*Kathleen Fitzpatrick's opening plenary address, Generous Thinking: Sustainability, Solidarity and the Common Good

To see all videos produced by CNI, visit our video channels on YouTube ( and Vimeo (

Diane Goldenberg-Hart

Communications Coordinator
Coalition for Networked Information
21 Dupont Circle, Suite 800, Washington, DC 20036
202.296.5098 |

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