Mailing List Message #114685
From: Cliff Lynch <>
Sender: <>
Subject: NDSA Storage Survey (Open till June 7)
Date: Tue, 04 Jun 2019 16:02:59 -0400
I wanted to share this call for information for a survey from the
National Digital Stewardship Alliance (NDSA) with the CNI community.
This is the first time NDSA has reached out to the broader community in
collecting this information, and their findings will be very helpful
for all of us.

Clifford Lynch
Director, CNI


The 2019 NDSA Storage Survey Working Group is pleased to announce that
the 2019 Storage Survey is live!  This survey is designed to gather and
share information on the extent and nature of digital preservation
storage across a wide variety of institutions.  We invite ¡V and
encourage ¡V your participation.
This is the third iteration of the survey, the goal of which is not
only to collect updated data for comparison with the 2011 and 2013
surveys, but to gather information on how new technologies and
standards have impacted preservation storage. The information gathered
through the previous two surveys has been an invaluable resource,
helping those involved in digital preservation programs understand how
preservation storage is changing and developing.  As with the prior
surveys, the aggregated results of the survey will be openly available.
The 2019 survey will provide an updated data set that continues to
document the storage practices of NDSA members and how those methods
have changed over time. Importantly, it is now expanding beyond the
NDSA membership for an broader picture of storage needs and practices.
The survey will run from May 23 to June 7, 2019. If you are involved in
digital preservation work at your institution, please consider
completing the survey; or if you think there is someone at your
institution who can, please share it with them. We welcome responses
from all types of organizations engaging in storage of digital content;
you do not need to be an NDSA member to respond. This survey will take
no more than 20-30 minutes and will provide invaluable updated
information on how practitioners are approaching digital storage
You may find the survey here:
Please do not hesitate to reach out to Laura Alagna, chair of the 2019
NDSA Storage Survey Working Group with any questions you have about the
Members of the 2019 NDSA Storage Survey Working Group
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