Mailing List Message #114690
From: Joan K. Lippincott <>
Sender: <>
Subject: ELI2020: Seeking Proposal Reviewers
Date: Thu, 11 Jul 2019 11:57:30 -0400
For those of you with expertise in instructional technology, learning spaces, assessment, digital literacy, learning analytics, and other topics related to teaching and learning, EDUCAUSE is looking for proposal reviewers for its 2020 ELI annual meeting. I’ve found that this type of service is an interesting way to get a window into current projects and programs. Please see the link below to offer providing your services as a reviewer.
—Joan Lippincott, CNI

The EDUCAUSE Learning Initiative (ELI) is seeking session proposal reviewers for its 2020 annual meeting.  The dates for the reviewing period this year are from Sept 18 to Oct 2nd. Each reviewer will be asked to review 12-15 proposals. In addition to substantially contributing to the quality of the annual meeting sessions, reviewing proposals has two additional benefits:
  • Learning about leading work in the field;
  • Learning what makes a proposal effective and persuasive and what does not, which is useful the next time you compose a conference proposal
Being a reviewer does NOT preclude your submitting your own proposals for the annual meeting.
If this is of interest to you, please confirm your participation by filling out this very short form:
Thanks for considering this!  Let me know if you have questions. M
Malcolm Brown
Director of Learning Initiatives

Uncommon Thinking for the Common Good
282 Century Place, Suite 5000, Louisville CO 80027
direct: 575.448.1313 

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