Clifford Lynch, CNI Executive Director, is pleased to share this announcement along with Jisc Chief Executive Paul Feldman:
Save the date for the Jisc and CNI conference
The Jisc and CNI conference brings together leading experts and influencers who support and collaborate with researchers employing, sharing and communicating digital research practices and outcomes from the UK, US and Europe.
The next Jisc and CNI conference will take place on 14-15 July 2020 in Bristol, UK.
The conference theme, frontiers in research practice, will explore how universities can equip themselves to respond to this new world and realise the potential it will offer.
The research environment is rapidly evolving. The convergence of big data with technologies such as machine learning and ubiquitous connectivity offer the potential for automated research at a vast scale, but also raise important ethical questions.
Open research can enable reproducibility and transparency helping to build trust and integrity in the research process. All the while, the transition to a scholarly communications environment which supports open research poses challenges for authors, institutions, policy makers and publishers alike.
The conference is the perfect opportunity to explore the current issues and innovations in this field.
Look forward to seeing you there!
Paul Feldman Chief Executive
__________________________________________________ Diane Goldenberg-Hart
Communications Coordinator Coalition for Networked Information 21 Dupont Circle, Suite 800, Washington, DC 20036 202.296.5098 |