Mailing Lijst Bericht #114708
From: Joan K. Lippincott <>
Sender: <>
Subject: Registration Open - Symposium on Critical Roles for Libraries in Today's Research Enterprise
Date: Fri, 13 Sep 2019 13:00:03 -0400

The "Academic Research and University Libraries: Creating a New Model for Collaboration" project at the University of Calgary has produced some valuable findings. This is an opportunity for others to benefit from their experience and that of additional institutions. This symposium, a dissemination activity of the project, will include presentations, panel sessions, and opportunities for small group discussions. Registration is now open (see links below) and is expected to fill very quickly.

—Joan Lippincott, CNI

Registration Is Open

Critical Roles for Libraries in Today’s Research Enterprise

A Symposium being held on December 11, 2019, at the Omni Shoreham Hotel, Washington, D.C.

Research has changed: have libraries? Today many academic libraries are seeking ways to better align with current research practice and to engage as vital partners in the campus research ecosystem. The issues are critical, necessary changes are fundamental, and libraries are developing new means and partnerships to sustain relevance.

Held following the CNI Fall Membership Meeting, Critical Roles for Libraries in Today’s Research Enterprise is a one-day symposium created for librarians, research administrators, and technology professionals to identify responses to this challenge.

Library leaders will examine new organizational structures, programs, and services, innovative spaces, and collaborative models. Research administrators will evaluate the impact of these new developments and describe future opportunities. Presentations will characterize the potential for new synergies and functional partnerships. Most importantly, participatory discussions will give attendees the opportunity to collaborate in developing strategies to apply at their own institutions.

This Symposium represents the culmination of four years of research conducted at the University of Calgary, led by Thomas Hickerson and sponsored by The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. Organized in association with Charles Eckman (University of Miami), and Xuemao Wang (University of Cincinnati), this event is funded as part of the University of Calgary project, “Academic Research and University Libraries: Creating a New Model for Collaboration.

Registration is no-cost but limited and expected to fill quickly. Since the target audience for this event is colleges and universities, for-profit corporations are requested to limit their representation to one individual. Program details are now available:

Join us for this signature opportunity to identify the changes needed to reposition libraries for research in the digital age.

Register here:

For questions, contact John Brosz (, Project Coordinator 



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