Mailing Lijst Bericht #114714
From: Cliff Lynch <>
Sender: <>
Subject: Plenaries for December 2019 CNI Member Meeting
Date: Wed, 02 Oct 2019 14:52:31 -0400
I'm delighted to announce the plenary sessions for the December 2019 CNI Member Meeting.
As is traditional at our December meetings, I'll take the opening plenary to survey developments and report some of the findings of our recent work, and to introduce the 2019-2020 CNI Program Plan. We will also hear briefly from Joan Lippincott, our soon-to-be-emerita Associate Executive Director.

I'm really thrilled to announce Professor Kate Eichhorn from the New School will be our closing keynote speaker. This last summer, Kate published a fantastic book titled "The End of Forgetting: Growing Up with Social Media"; this crystalized a number of trends and developments that I had been watching closely and put them together in some unexpected and extremely insightful ways. The implications -- for the public at large, for our students, for the evolution of social norms, and for memory institutions -- are profound, and I was really excited when she agreed to come and explore these issues with us. You can find her abstract and bio on our web site at

I look forward to seeing many of you for our meeting in December.

Clifford Lynch
Director, CNI
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