Mailing List Message #114736
From: Joan K. Lippincott <>
Sender: <>
Subject: JIsc and CNI Leaders Conference - Registration Open
Date: Thu, 05 Dec 2019 16:16:46 -0500
Dear CNI Community,

We partner with Jisc in the UK on a conference in the UK every other year, and the next one will be in Bristol, England on July 14-14, 2020. The theme of Frontiers in Research Practice will be of interest to many of you, and the conference provides a great networking opportunity.

You’ll find information on the website - see below - and we will add more program information soon.
—Joan Lippincott, CNI
Jisc and CNI leaders conference 14-15 July 2020, Bristol: registration is open

Digital technology is revolutionizing research. It allows for wider dissemination, greater openness and new methods of analysis and innovation. But how can universities equip themselves to respond to this rapidly evolving landscape? And how will libraries continue to act as catalysts to this?

The Jisc and CNI 2020 conference, Frontiers in Research Practice, will explore how universities can equip themselves to respond to this new world and realize the potential it will offer.

Experts from both the US and the UK will address topics including Research 4.0, data science and analytics, trust and integrity in research, scholarly communications and researcher skills.

We're delighted to announce the following keynote speakers:
  • Alexa T. McCray, Professor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School
  • James Wilsdon, Digital Science Professor of Research Policy, University of Sheffield / Director, RoRI 
  • Dan Cohen, Dean of Libraries; Vice Provost for Information Collaboration, Northeastern University

Delegate places are priced at £300 + VAT. This includes access to the conference, drinks receptions and all refreshments.

We look forward to seeing you in Bristol!
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