Mailing Lijst Bericht #114750
From: Diane Goldenberg-Hart <>
Sender: <>
Subject: ARL-CNI Fall Forum Report: Research Libraries as Catalytic Leaders
Date: Tue, 14 Jan 2020 16:51:31 -0500
We are pleased to announce that a report on the 2019 ARL-CNI Fall Forum, Research Libraries as Catalytic Leaders in a Society in Constant Flux, is now available at

Written by ARL executive director Mary Lee Kennedy, with an introduction by ARL president Lorraine J. Haricombe, the ARL-CNI Fall Forum report summarizes the presentations of the keynote speaker and panelists, highlights specific breakout discussions, and outlines a set of shared recommendations around four themes:

* Libraries as strategic institutions in societal flux
* Emerging opportunities for research libraries as collaborative partners in the changing research and learning ecosystem
* New forms of reality to advance research integrity and learning
* Next generation organizations, skills, and competencies needed for research libraries
-Diane Goldenberg-Hart, CNI

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