Mailing Lijst Bericht #114815
From: Cliff Lynch <>
Sender: <>
Subject: Report on Intersection of Humanities and Data Science from Turing Institute
Date: Fri, 07 Aug 2020 10:30:00 -0400
The Alan Turing Institute in the UK has just issued a very interesting report looking at challenges and opportunities for research at the intersection of data science and the humanities. I've pasted a bit of the announcement below. My thanks to Gary Price of Infodocket for the pointer to this. The announcement and a link to the report  are at

Clifford Lynch
Director, CNi


From the announcement:

A new white paper published today (Tuesday 4 August) explores the great potential for ground-breaking new research at the intersection between data science and humanities disciplines and offers key recommendations for funders, academic institutions, and researchers.
The paper ˇChallenges and prospects of the intersection of humanities and data science: A white paper from The Alan Turing Institute˘, has been produced by the Institute˘s Humanities and Data Science special interest group - an extensive, multidisciplinary group of researchers from a wide range of universities and cultural organisations including The National Archives, The British Library and The National Library of Scotland. 
Digital tools and data science present many opportunities that could transform humanities research. At the same time, the humanities - academic disciplines that study aspects of human society and culture - also have the potential to transform data science research. This should be a two-way exchange of approaches and knowledge. The new paper defines the UK˘s current landscape of digital humanities research and reflects on what data-driven research within the humanities entails. It also highlights a series of recommendations for how these two communities can more easily and better work together to realise the full potential of interdisciplinary work.
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