Mailing Lijst Bericht #114821
From: Cliff Lynch <>
Sender: <>
Subject: 8/27 National Academies Webinar on Forecasting Costs for Preserving and Proving Access to Biomedical Data
Date: Thu, 20 Aug 2020 22:00:00 -0400
On Thursday, August 27, from 12-1 EDT  I'll be participating in a webinar being offered by the US National Academies following on the recent report of the committee report "Lifecycle Decisions for Biomedical Data". I served as a member of this committee. The webinar will focus on implications of this report for repositories, data management and analysis platforms, and storage providers, and I'll be joined by Brian Nosek of the Center for Open Science and Alex Ropelewski of the BRAIN Image Library; Brian and Alex (who were not part of the committee) will comment on the report and its implications for their own projects.

Advance registration is required, and a link to register, as well as links to the committee report and other information about the work of the committee, is at

My understanding is that the webinar will be recorded and this recording will be made available.

Clifford Lynch
Director, CNI
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