Mailing List Správa #114941
From: Diane Goldenberg-Hart <>
Sender: <>
Subject: Library Publishing Directory: Call for Entries & New Research Data Set
Date: Fri, 23 Jul 2021 13:05:15 -0400

I share, below, some news regarding the Library Publishing Directory, including a all for entries for the 2022 edition, and the exciting news that a research data set of all years of the directory is now available for researchers interested in the field of library publishing.

Full disclosure: CNI is an LPC strategic affiliate.

-Diane Goldenberg-Hart, CNI

The Library Publishing Coalition is excited to share a pair of announcements related to the Library Publishing Directory: a call for entries for the 2022 Directory and the release of a new research data set!

Call for entries: Directory and IFLA map

LPC and the International Federation of Library Associations (IFLA) Library Publishing Special Interest Group (LibPub SIG) are partnering once again to survey the landscape of publishing in libraries across the globe. LPC is seeking submissions for its 9th annual Library Publishing Directory. IFLA’s LibPub SIG has created a first-of-its-kind Map of global library publishing initiatives. Together, we invite you to share information about your library’s publishing activities. Libraries that complete the short form survey will appear in the IFLA LibPub Sig’s Global Library Publishing Map.  Libraries that wish to be included in the Library Publishing Directory can go on to fill out the full questionnaire (30-45 minutes to complete). Get started at Submissions are due by Monday, September 13th

NEW Library Publishing Directory research data set

For the first time, LPC is releasing the data from all years of the Library Publishing Directory in the form of a research data set! This resource is primarily composed of the data that underlie the 2014–2021 Directories, in csv format. Researchers will also find the original survey instrument and data dictionary for each year. For those interested in identifying changes to the survey design, a crosswalk file maps field additions and deletions over time. Finally, a readme file provides descriptive, methodological, and licensing information about the data. 

About the Library Publishing Directory

The Library Publishing Directory is an important tool for libraries wishing to learn about this emerging field, connect with their peers, and align their practices with those of the broader scholarly publishing community. Last year's edition featured over 150 libraries in almost a dozen nations.


The Directory is published openly on the web in PDF, EPUB, as an online database of current entries, and as a research data set. It includes contact information, descriptions, and other key facts about each library's publishing services. A print version of the Directory is also produced. The 2022 edition will be published in early 2022. 

Melanie Schlosser
Community Facilitator, Library Publishing Coalition
Senior Community Facilitator, Educopia Institute

Working from Columbus, OH

Pronouns: she/her

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