Mailing List Správa #114946
From: Cliff Lynch <>
Sender: <>
Subject: NIH Seeks Feedback on Access to Controlled Data, Cloud Computing, Data & Biospecimens
Date: Thu, 05 Aug 2021 11:32:00 -0400
The NIH has several Requests for Information open which will be of interest to many of you - see deadlines and details below for RFIs on access to controlled data from NIH data repositories - controlled data emerged as a critical problem for UK as well as US researchers in our recent Jisc/CNI meeting (note that the deadline on this one is coming up soon, Monday, Aug. 9th), consent language for use of data and biospeciments, and increasing access to cloud computing to diverse biomedical research institutions.

I think the CNI community has useful contributions to make to these discussions.

Clifford Lynch
Director, CNI

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NIH Wants to Hear from You!
The National Institutes of Health (NIH) has three Requests for Information (RFIs) open for comment that may be of interest to you. Please see topics and deadlines below.
Respond by Aug. 9: Streamlining Access to Controlled Data from NIH Data Repositories
The NIH is requesting input (NOT-OD-21-157) on strategies for harmonizing, simplifying, and streamlining mechanisms for accessing data in NIH-supported controlled-access data repositories that continue to uphold robust data privacy and security protections.

In particular, NIH would like to understand better researchers’ experiences in finding and accessing controlled access data housed in NIH-supported repositories and the extent to which existing NIH policies address aggregation and linkage of controlled access data.

Respond by Sept. 29: Developing Consent Language for Future Use of Data and Biospecimens
The NIH announced an RFI (NOT-OD-21-131) on the utility and useability of Consent for Data and Biospecimen Sharing for Future Use: Points to Consider and Sample Language. NIH has heard from its stakeholders that there is a strong interest in sharing best practices for developing informed consent language that supports sharing and NIH has worked to develop points to consider and sample language to assist in this endeavor. NIH emphasizes that any use of the sample informed consent language would be completely voluntary and will not be required.

Respond by Sept. 30: Programs to Increase Access to Cloud Computing to Diverse Biomedical Research Institutions
Through the RFI (NOT-OD-21-158), the NIH Office of Data Science Strategy, the National Institute of General Medical Sciences, and the National Institute of Minority Health and Health Disparities seek input on current and future needs and utilization of cloud computing for biomedical, clinical, behavioral and social science. 

The RFI also request input on any challenges or strategies to adopt cloud computing broadly among universities and colleges within the Institutional Development Award (IDeA)-eligible states, institutions with Research Centers in Minority Institutions, and Minority Serving Institutions.

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