Mailing List Správa #114999
From: Diane Goldenberg-Hart <>
Sender: <>
Subject: Call for Proposals, CNI Spring '22
Date: Thu, 20 Jan 2022 11:47:00 -0500
Proposals are now being accepted for project briefings to be presented during CNI’s Spring 2022 Membership Meeting. At this time, we expect to hold BOTH a virtual event and an in-person event, each independently of one another and designed to complement each other.

WHEN: The virtual event will take place online March 21-22; the in-person event will be in San Diego, CA on March 28-29Use the form to propose either a live, synchronous virtual session on March 21-22, or an in-person session on March 28-29.* Once accepted, speakers will be contacted regarding the schedule. Deadline for submissions is February 14, 2022

WHO: Anyone may propose a project briefing, including groups/individuals from non-member institutions and organizations. ALL IN-PERSON SPEAKERS WILL BE REQUIRED TO PROVIDE PROOF OF VACCINATION

TOPICS: Project briefings focus on a timely topic or on a specific institutional/organizational project related to digital information; they may also explore parallel developments across institutions. Briefings should address themes of interest to the membership as outlined in CNI's program plans  as covered in recent member meetings, and as explored in recent Executive Roundtable reports (see also for more information).

*Pre-recorded, asynchronous briefings have been discontinued in favor of a year-round, ongoing series of project briefing editions, as outlined in this recent announcement.

A very limited number of project briefings will be accepted.

Proposals may be submitted via online form:
Deadline for submissions is February 14, 2022

More information is at
Follow the meeting: #cni22s

-Diane Goldenberg-Hart, CNI

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