Mailing List Správa #115011
From: Cliff Lynch <>
Sender: <>
Subject: Against the Grain special section on past, present and future of web archiving
Date: Mon, 31 Jan 2022 23:55:01 -0500
Against the Grain's latest issue (December 2021/January 2022) includes an open access special section on the past, present and future of web archiving; I've contributed a brief article to the collection. The section was edited by Joe Puccio of the Library of Congress and his introduction can be found here:

the table of contents for the issue, including the special section, can be found here. Note that contrary to what the page says, the links to the web archiving articles are open and don't require you to be logged on.

I hope that these articles will collectively form the basis for what I think is a much-needed conversation about the future of both collection development and digital archiving.

Clifford Lynch
Director, CNI
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