Mailing List Správa #115025
From: Clifford Lynch <>
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Subject: CNI Spring Plenary, Invited & Project Briefing Sessions
Date: Mon, 28 Feb 2022 10:55:55 -0500

I am delighted to announce the plenary talks and some of the invited sessions we have planned for CNI’s upcoming Spring 2022 Membership Meeting.

As a reminder, the virtual event takes place March 21–22 and the in-person event will be held March 28–29 in San Diego. The registration deadline for the in-person event has been extended to March 4th. You must register by Mar. 4th; we will NOT accommodate walk-up or last-minute registrations. Registration instructions were sent to member representatives in January.

Opening Plenary (In-Person)

The Privacy Landscape: Policy & Practice in the Library and University Contexts

I will moderate the opening in-person plenary, which will feature a panel on university and library privacy issues. The session will bring together distinct perspectives featuring Kent Wada, Chief Privacy Officer, Director, Policy and Privacy, University of California Los Angeles; Cheryl Washington, Chief Information Security Officer, University of California Davis; and Lisa Hinchliffe, Professor/Coordinator for Information Literacy Services, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, who many of you will know from her writings about library and scholarly publishing privacy-related issues. You may recall my conversation with Kent and Cheryl from the Spring 2021 meeting; I’m looking forward to welcoming them back and continuing to explore these issues.

Closing Plenary (In-Person)

The in-person event will conclude with a keynote by Lorcan Dempsey, currently Vice President for Research and Membership and Chief Strategist, OCLC; you may be aware that Lorcan recently announced his plan to retire from this position at the end of April. Many of you know Lorcan for his consistent ability to recognize and crystalize important trends in the information landscape, and we are glad to have him close our gathering in San Diego with his reflections and insights as he completes his long and distinguished tenure with OCLC. 

Invited Panel (In-Person)

LEADING: Data Science Innovation Across Our National Digital Infrastructure

An invited panel will introduce a number of the Fellows from the Library and Information Sciences Education and Data Science Integrated Network Group (LEADING) project and their work. The panel was a favorite at the Fall 2021 meeting, and we look forward to hearing from more Fellows and about the important work of this project. 

Invited Session (In-Person)

Towards an Open Global Cyberinfrastructure Enabling Digital Research  

We’re very fortunate that San Diego Supercomputer Center Director Frank Wuerthwein, will join us to talk about the Pacific Research Platform, the National Research Platform, and other developments from the California Institute for Telecommunications and Information Technology (Calit2). Wuerthwein’s session is in part an update to and continuation of Larry Smarr’s memorable spring 2018 closing plenary at CNI “Towards a High-Performance National Research Platform Enabling Digital Research.” 

Invited Session (In-Person)

Cloud Labs: A Conversation about Implications for Libraries and Research Data Management  

Building off the Fall 2021 Closing Plenary “Carnegie Mellon University’s Cloud Lab Project,” I will sit down with CMU Dean of University Libraries Keith Webster to discuss the implications of cloud labs for research data management and the library. 

Invited Session (Virtual)

Jisc: Insights from New CEO Heidi Fraser-Krauss

At the virtual event, Heidi Fraser-Krauss, the new Chief Executive of Jisc, will join us to share her insights and vision as she shapes Jisc’s strategies and programs.

A preliminary list of virtual and in-person project briefings is also now available and session descriptions will be posted soon. We intend to record all of the in-person and virtual sessions and make the videos available publicly as they are finalized. 

This should provide a sense of the rich scope of the meeting content; we anticipate a pair of engaging events this March. We'll be finalizing the program in the coming weeks and subsequently will release the usual roadmap to help you navigate the meeting.

I look forward to seeing you on Zoom and/or in San Diego!

Clifford Lynch

Director, CNI


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