Mailing List Správa #115036
From: Diane Goldenberg-Hart <>
Sender: <>
Subject: Spring '22 Mtg Videos & Slides: Now Available
Date: Tue, 19 Apr 2022 15:47:17 -0400
Dear CNI Community

We are pleased to announce that all videos and presentation materials (as made available by speakers) from CNI’s Spring 2022 Membership Meeting ( are now available:


Opening Plenary: The Privacy Landscape: Policy & Practice in the Library and University Contexts

Closing Plenary: Lorcan Dempsey

YouTube playlists:


All slide decks shared with us have now been added to their corresponding project briefing pages ( Speakers who wish to have their slides added to the meeting website should contact us.

A sincere thanks to all for their valuable contributions to the meeting. There is a wealth of information to explore here and we encourage you to share these materials widely.

-Diane Goldenberg-Hart, CNI

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