Mailing List Správa #115054
From: Cliff Lynch <>
Sender: <>
Subject: Materials from latest AEOLIAN Network Workshop (April 2022)
Date: Thu, 02 Jun 2022 10:00:16 -0400
the AEOLIAN Network is a joint US-UK program exploring applications of AI and Machine Learning to Libraries, Archives, Museums and similar cultural heritage organizations. For general information see

I've participated in several of their recent workshops, including this most recent one, and have found them informative. From the latest workshop, I want to particularly flag the presentation by Bohyun Kim, AUL for Information Technology at the University of Michigan Library, on Machine Learning: A New Tool for Libraries and Archives as being of particular interest to the CNI community; it looks closely at a number of specific machine learning applications. There's a great deal of other interesting material that was also presented at the workshop, and I invite you to explore the workshop broadly.  See

Clifford Lynch
Director, CNI
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