X-CGP-ClamAV-Result: CLEAN X-VirusScanner: Niversoft's CGPClamav Helper v1.23.2 (ClamAV engine v0.103.2) Return-Path: Sender: To: CNI-ANNOUNCE Date: Wed, 06 Jul 2022 23:45:15 -0400 Message-ID: X-Original-Return-Path: Received: from [] (account clifford@cni.org HELO []) by cni.org (CommuniGate Pro SMTP 6.2.7) with ESMTPSA id 39530522 for cni-announce@cni.org; Wed, 06 Jul 2022 21:52:45 -0400 X-Original-Date: Wed, 6 Jul 2022 21:52:45 -0400 From: Cliff Lynch X-Original-To: cni-announce@cni.org X-Original-Message-ID: <20220706215245455515.e2e94d1f@cni.org> Subject: Sourcery special collections & archives access program calls for testing partners MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable X-Mailer: GyazMail version 1.6.5 I'm delighted to share this call for participation with the CNI community. = CNI has been tracking the work of the Sourcery program since it's inception= , and has had several presentations on this important work during the pande= mic (see our website for video recordings); hopefully we'll have a further = update at our December member meeting. I'd urge CNi member institutions to = seriously consider participating in this testing program; I think this is a= n important part of the future of access to special collections and archive= s. I reproduce the call for participation below.=20 Clifford Lynch Director, CNi -------------------------------------- The Sourcery team at the University of Connecticut is excited to announce t= hat we are actively looking for archives, repositories, and libraries of al= l kinds to join us as partners during our testing phase.=20 Sourcery is an open-source, not-for-profit web app that unites researchers = and archivists through one simple interface to request and fulfill requests= for reference scans of undigitized materials. The app is accessible on any= device connected to the internet, including smartphones, tablets, laptops,= and desktop computers. Sourcery can be used as both an infrastructural and= a communication tool: it provides institutions with a streamlined chat int= erface, an organized dashboard to manage requests, an intuitive fulfillment= workflow including image capture and delivery, and customized data and ana= lytics.=A0 Sourcery offers a secure, customizable payment method for instit= utions looking to offset labor costs, and will integrate with applications = such as Omeka, Fedora, Islandora, ArchivesSpace, and Tropy. As a testing partner, we will help you integrate Sourcery into your existin= g reference-request fulfillment workflow. Through regular online check-ins = with the Sourcery design and development team, both individually and with t= he broader Sourcery community, we will troubleshoot your reference scanning= challenges and ask for your honest feedback about the app, what works and = what doesn't, and how we may improve.=20 To apply to be a Sourcery testing partner, please send contact information = (including institution name, location, and web address) and a one-paragraph= description of your reference scanning challenges to carly@uconn.edu by Se= ptember 15, 2022. For more information about Sourcery, visit sourceryapp.or= g or follow us on Twitter and Instagram at @sourcery_app, or Facebook at @s= ourceryapp.