Письмо #115150 Списка Рассылки CNI-ANNOUNCE@cni.org
From: Paige Pope <paige@cni.org>
Sender: <cgplmgr@cni.org>
Subject: Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries (TPDL) 2023
Date: Thu, 13 Apr 2023 11:58:09 -0400
CNI is once again a supporting organization for The International Conference on Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries (TPDL); we are pleased to share the following details for TPDL 2023, taking place in  Zadar, Croatia, September 26–29, 2023. Full details and proposal submission link are available on the conference website: Website: https://tpdl2023.dei.unipd.it

Thank you!

-Paige Pope, CNI Communications Coordinator


Over the years, TPDL was established as an important international forum focused on digital libraries and associated technical, practical, and social issues. TPDL encompasses the many meanings of the term “digital libraries'' embracing the whole spectrum of the LAM community; operational information systems with all manner of digital content; new means of selecting, collecting, organizing, and distributing digital content; and theoretical models of information media, including document genres and electronic publishing. Digital libraries may be viewed as a new form of information institution or an extension of the services libraries provide.

Representatives from academia, cultural heritage institutions, government, industry, research communities, research infrastructures, and others are invited to participate in this annual conference. The conference draws from various research areas: computer science, information science, data science, librarianship, archival science and practice, museum studies and practice, technology, social sciences, cultural heritage, digital humanities, and scientific communities.

TPDL historically approached “digital libraries” embracing the field at large and also comprehending three key areas of interest that can be synthesized as scholarly communication (e.g., research data, research software, digital experiments, digital libraries), e-science/computationally-intense research (e.g., scientific workflows, Virtual Research Environments, reproducibility) and library, archive, museum and information science (e.g., governance, policies, open access, open science). As digital cultural heritage ties into digital humanities, TPDL aims to include this closely related field. 

To broaden the scope of TPDL 2023, we propose four special tracks within the main program:
  • Data Sharing and Data Citation: this track aims to attract papers about (but not limited to) new challenges and innovative approaches connected to sharing FAIR data, sensitive data and legal aspects of data sharing, different approaches to data citation, data credit distribution, the use of datasets and databases in scholarly communications, new measures for research assessment, and the role of data in scientific research. 
  • Applications and Digital Library Systems: this track aims to attract research and practitioner papers about applying established tools in new DL settings and innovative tools for DLs. This track covers various topics related to digital library systems and their applications, including system architecture and design, system scalability, interoperability, and security. Techniques for improving the search experience in digital library systems. User interfaces and user experience and studies of user behavior and user needs in the context of digital libraries.
  • Digital Preservation and Curation: papers in this area would cover topics related to the preservation and curation of digital resources in digital library systems, including issues such as format migration, metadata standards, and long-term preservation strategies.
  • The Use of Persistent Identifiers in Digital Libraries. The persistent identification of all entities within the research ecosystem is important in ensuring that research and its outputs are FAIR and connected. Papers could focus on different identifier systems, the creation and use of metadata, and innovative approaches to establishing connections between entities.

Note that the papers submitted to the special tracks follow the same review process as the regular papers and will be published in the TPDL 2023 proceedings as regular full papers. 

TPDL 2023 is hosted by the University of Zadar and will take place in Zadar, Croatia, from 26 to 29 September 2023. This is an in-person event. This choice does not exclude the possibility of following talks online, but authors of accepted papers are strongly encouraged to come and present in person. We aim to encourage discussion formally after a paper presentation and informally during social events and coffee breaks. 

Important Dates
Note that all deadlines are 23:59 (11:59 pm) in the AoE (Anywhere on Earth) time zone on the date specified. 

Submission deadline for Full Papers: 26 May 2023
Notification for Full Papers: 5 July 2023
Camera-ready submission: 24 July 2023


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