A portion of videos from the first day of our CNI Fall 2023 Membership Meeting are now openly available:
The Ecosystem for Research Networking (ERN): Exploring Democratized Access to Research Instruments
Maureen Dougherty, Ecosystem for Research Networking
Barr von Oehsen, Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center
Forough Ghahramani, Edge
YouTube: https://youtu.be/qB-VKvdlGkM
Webpage: https://www.cni.org/topics/ci/the-ecosystem-for-research-networking-exploring-democratized-access-to-research-instruments
Legal Literacies for Text Data Mining – Cross-Border (“LLTDM-X”)
Thomas Padilla, Internet Archive
Rachael Samberg, University of California, Berkeley
YouTube: https://youtu.be/6emnfcFBNyQ
Webpage: https://www.cni.org/topics/special-collections/legal-literacies-for-text-data-mining-cross-border-lltdm-x
To Increase or Decrease Capacity: The What, How, and Why of 21st Century Library Skill Development
Tony Zanders, Skilltype
Keith Webster, Carnegie Mellon University
Karim Boughida, Stony Brook University
YouTube: https://youtu.be/vQyUzv7Iqp4
Webpage: https://www.cni.org/topics/digital-libraries/to-increase-or-decrease-capacity-the-what-how-and-why-of-21st-century-library-skill-development
Models for Sustainable and Inclusive Data Science Consulting and Collaboration in Higher Education
Mara Blake, North Carolina State University
Emily Griffith, North Carolina State University
YouTube: https://youtu.be/kfxPCRVeRhM
Webpage: https://www.cni.org/topics/e-science/models-for-sustainable-and-inclusive-data-science-consulting-and-collaboration-in-higher-education
Multi-Custodial Approaches to Digital Preservation of Scholarship
Gaëlle Béquet, ISSN International Centre
Thomas Padilla, Internet Archive
YouTube: https://youtu.be/9Q_t2DatNPA
Webpage: https://www.cni.org/topics/digital-preservation/multi-custodial-approaches-to-digital-preservation-of-scholarship
University of California, San Diego Library and Göttingen State and University Library: Update on a Long Term Collaboration
David Minor, University of California, San Diego
Jan Brase, Göttingen State and University Library
YouTube: https://youtu.be/dHyF0mrTL-I
Webpage: https://www.cni.org/topics/ci/ucsd-library-and-gottingen-state-and-university-library-update-on-a-long-term-collaboration
All videos from the meeting will be openly available on the CNI website (https://www.cni.org/mm/fall-2023), YouTube, and Vimeo channels in the coming weeks. We will continue to make announcements as videos are released. Please share these resources widely.
-Paige, CNI Communications Coordinator
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