The upcoming CNI Spring Membership Meeting, scheduled for April 7–8, 2025, in Milwaukee, WI, is shaping up to be another very informative event. Here’s the latest information on the plenary sessions and the project briefing line up.
Opening Plenary Session CNI Leadership Update AND Paul Evan Peters Memorial Lecture: Lessons From LOCKSS
The opening plenary session will start with an update and discussion of the CNI leadership transition currently underway, led by Andrew K. Pace, executive director of the Association of Research Libraries.
Following this, we will present the 2025 Paul Evan Peters Award to Victoria Reich and David Rosenthal, the co-founders of the LOCKSS (“Lots of Copies Keep Stuff Safe”) Program at Stanford University Libraries. They will share their reflections in their Peters Memorial Lecture, titled “Lessons from LOCKSS.”
Closing Plenary A Conversation on Cybersecurity, Essential Cyberinfrastructure for Research and Education, and Resilience
The closing plenary will be a panel, moderated by CNI’s Clifford Lynch, featuring panelists Brewster Kahle (Internet Archive), Elisabeth Long (Johns Hopkins University), and Cheryl Washington (University of California, Davis); other panelists may be added. It will include significant time for audience engagement and discussion; our hope is that this will be the start of a much longer lasting dialog.
The intensity and frequency of attacks on information systems and services seems to be growing without bounds. This is happening across all sectors of society.
The effects of these attacks, as well as our experience with other recent events such as the COVID pandemic, have given us a new understanding of the critical roles that archives, repositories, and scholarly communications systems play as part of the essential cyberinfrastructure for the research and higher education community (and indeed beyond far this community).
The conversation will explore these questions: - The nature of the evolving threat landscape is complex and contains numerous actors with varying motivations. This includes ransomware, denial of service attacks, strategic compromise, and aggressive harvesting, among others. How might we better understand this landscape?
- Approaches to understanding, documenting, and communicating the costs, impacts, and implications of breaches, including to the broad public.
- What collective actions might help our community become more resilient and secure? For example, is there a need or a role for an Information Sharing and Analysis Center type organization? What might be done to facilitate bilateral or multilateral backup and disaster recovery arrangements? How can funding be generated to help improve security and resilience? What should be prioritized?
Project Briefings
We will not hold a lightning round session at this meeting. Instead, Stony Brook University Dean of Libraries Karim Boughida and Colorado State University Dean of Libraries Karen Estlund will lead a plenary open forum to allow attendees to discuss pressing issues and developments affecting our work. This session will immediately precede the evening reception on Monday, April 7, and it will not be recorded.
Along with the entire CNI team, I look forward to seeing many of you in Milwaukee this April!
Clifford Lynch
Executive Director, CNI