Mailing Lijst Bericht #28
From: Joan K. Lippincott <>
Sender: <>
Subject: ICPL Summer Seminar
Date: Thu, 25 May 2006 12:20:00 -0400
To: <>
Subject: 11th Annual ICPL Seminar, June 27-30

Colleagues --

The eleventh annual Computer Policy and Law Summer Seminar, sponsored by EDUCAUSE and Cornell University, will take place this year Tuesday-Friday June 27-30 in beautiful Ithaca, NY. For full information and a registration form, link to

There are slots remaining, but please grab them fast, since attendance and hotel space are limited.

We're featuring a tremendous lineup of speakers:

Justin Azoff (SUNY Albany)
Jonathan Band (
Ray Beckerman (Vandenberg & Feliu)
Scott Bradner (Harvard University)
Doug Carlson (New York University)
Paul Ginsparg (Cornell University)
Bob Hamilton (Jones, Day, Reavis and Pogue)
Georgia Harper (University of Texas System)
Steve McDonald (Rhode Island School of Design)
Tracy Mitrano (Cornell University)
John Palfrey (Berkman Center, Harvard University Law School)
David Post (Temple University Law School)
Steve Schuster (Cornell University)
Ed Thomas (Harris, Wiltshire & Grannis)
Steve Worona (EDUCAUSE)

This year's sessions include:

P2P Litigation and Policy
What CALEA will mean to you
Bots, Spyware, and Virus Scans: Who owns the desktop?
Information Security and Data-breach Notification
Privacy Law and Campus Privacy Policy
The "Network Neutrality" Debate
Copyright 101
Copyright Hot Topic: Google
Internet Governance: The emergence of IPv6
Introduction to the Law for non-lawyers

I'm particularly looking forward to first-time participant Ray Beckerman's discussion of his experiences defending students and others against music-industry lawsuits. (See Ray's blog at <>.) And in this year of highly visible and highly contentious legislative battles over telecommunications reform, the CALEA and Network Neutrality sessions will be particularly noteworthy. Which is not to diminish all of the other sessions, from security to privacy to copyright. I expect them to justify the comments of several long-time attendees that the ICPL Summer Seminar gets better and better each year!

As always, we're allowing lots of time for give-and-take between the audience and presenters, and repeating our popular and entertaining case-study role-play, featuring a topic from current headlines. And be sure to sign up for Wednesday night's Cayuga Lake dinner cruise.

Hope to see you in June!

Steven L. Worona
Director of Policy and Networking Programs
EDUCAUSE / 1150 18th St. NW suite 1010 / Washington, DC 20036
202-872-4200 x 5358 / 202-872-4318 fax /

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