Webcast - Wednesday, October 25, 2006 12:30 PM - 2:30 PM Eastern
REGISTER NOW: http://www.scup.org/csd/4/
This webcast is the forth SCUP virtual program in support of the annual Campus Sustainability Day (CSD).
- Many subscribe to it as they do to other SCUP webcasts and watch, perhaps with one or two others, in the privacy of their offices.
- Hundreds of institutions have held local events around the SCUP programming: a brown bag lunch while the watch, a poster session or a panel of campus discussants before or after the SCUP programming.
REGISTER NOW: http://www.scup.org/csd/4/
Our program features students, faculty, and staff sharing their knowledge about sustainability planning and implementation at Arizona State University, Grand Valley State University, Harvard University and Pima Community College. They will share their sustainability experiences in operations, policy, and learning. They will also - very important to SCUP - be examining the level of integration of sustainability implementation between those areas, and sharing examples of both successes and challenges. Moderator Greg Roberts, executive director and senior operating officer of ACPA (College Student Educators International) will ensure plenty of interactivity between the viewing sites and the program presenters.
REGISTER NOW: http://www.scup.org/csd/4/
SCUP thanks the sponsors that make this webcast possible: Baltix (sustainable furniture, www.baltix.com); Itron (energy management suite, www.itron.com), Gilbane Higher Education (www.gilbanebuilding.com/markets/market_he.aspx), and University Business magazine (www.universitybusiness.com). Additional sponsorship opportunities are available. Contact Betty Cobb, betty.cobb@scup.org, for further information.
A summary of the webcast will become a white paper with broad distribution within higher education. |