Mailing Lijst Bericht #70
From: Joan K. Lippincott <>
Sender: <>
Subject: Digital Images in Teaching and Learning
Date: Wed, 01 Nov 2006 11:25:30 -0500
To: <>
Note that this newly released report will be the topic of discussion in one of the project briefings at the Fall CNI meeting in Washington, DC on December 4-5, 2006.
--Joan Lippincott

NITLE/Wesleyan Report on Digital Images Released Oct. 31

October 31, 2006. Digital images are changing the way professors
teach at colleges and universities--although often at great personal
expense of time and resources, according to a new study by David

"Using Digital Images in Teaching and Learning: Perspectives from
Liberal Arts Institutions," published today, details the results of
an intensive study of digital image use by more than 400 faculty at
33 liberal arts colleges and universities in the Northeast.

Commissioned by Wesleyan University and the National Institute for
Technology and Liberal Education (NITLE), the study focuses on the
pedagogical implications of the widespread use of digital formats.
But, while changes in teaching and learning were at the core of the
study, related issues concerning supply, support and infrastructure
rapidly became part of its fabric.

The report suggests how the teaching profession as a whole can better
harness these new resources, and it makes recommendations for
optimizing their deployment on campus.

The full report and an executive summary are available at Academic
Commons, an online forum for new technologies and liberal education:

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