Mailing List Message #80
From: Clifford Lynch <>
Sender: <>
Subject: Data Curation Conference Presentations and Journal
Date: Tue, 28 Nov 2006 16:05:30 -0500
To: <>
Last week I had the chance to attend the excellent 2nd Digitial Curation Conference in Glasgow. The presentations and posters from the meeting are now available online; you can find links to both, as well as other information about the meeting at:

The meeting also included a launch announcement for the new open-access International Journal of Digital Curation; as far as I know this is the first journal focusing specifically on digital preservation and curation issues. The journal home page is at:

and the table of contents for the first issue is at:

The first issue contains several excellent papers; I want to particularly direct your attention to the one by Neil Beagrie titled "Digital Curation for Science, Digital Libraries and Individuals".

Finally, let me take a moment to congratulate the UK Digital Curation Center, a major organizer of this meeting (see for much more information about the work of the center); just prior to the meeting the UK Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC) announced that the DCC has won a three-year funding extension to continue their excellent work. The press release about this can be found at:

Clifford Lynch
Director, CNI
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